You Have the Right to Join a Union
Federal law protects your rights as a worker to:
- Attend meetings about organizing a Union
- Read and distribute Union literature in non-work areas during non-work times
- Talk about the Union at work, as long as your employer allows employees to discuss other non work-related issues
- Sign a Union authorization card
- Sign petitions or file grievances about wages and working conditions
- Ask other employees to support a Union and to sign authorization cards
It is ILLEGAL for your Employer to:
- Threaten, harass, discipline or fire employees for your protected Union activity (any of the activities listed above)
- Favor workers that do no support the Union with awards, promotions, better schedules etc.
- Reduce benefits and privileges to discourage Union activity
- Promise a pay increase or other benefit if you agree to oppose the Union
- Question you about your Union support or activity in any way that intimidates you
- Spy on protected Union activities
- Do not try to begin a Union organizing campaign and do not talk about Unions at work without the guidance of organizers from an experienced Union
- It is common for Employers to break labor laws, so make sure to contact organizers from an experienced Union before taking any actions, even if they are protected by law
I think my workplace should organize a Union, what should I do?
- If you work in a Hotel, Cafeteria, Restaurant, or Casino in the Chicago area, contact Unite Here Local 1 at ____________________
- If you work in another industry, do an Internet search that includes your industry, city and the word “union.” Contact the Union that seems most likely to represent workers like you.